Feedback and Complaints
We welcome feedback to ensure you receive good quality products and services. The following information outlines our Complaint Management policy, and how you can go about providing feedback or making a complaint.
This policy is about complaints made about Link Assistive, not complaints about the NDIS. All complaints are taken seriously, all people treated fairly, and all corrective actions completed in a timely manner.
A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction with the provision of a service, including how a previous complaint was handled, for which a response or resolution is expected.
- applies when customers/participants want to submit feedback or make a complaint
- applies to all feedback and complaints received regardless of the source.
- applies to all representatives including key management personnel, directors, full time workers, part time workers, casual workers, contractors and volunteers.
Our commitment
We are committed to complaint handling. We will:
- implement and maintain a complaint management system
- make sure people can easily make a complaint
- deal with all complaints fairly and quickly
- have information available on how to:
- submit a complaint
- submit a complaint to the Commissioner
- keep records on all complaints received.
Who can make a complaint?
Anyone can make a complaint including:
- a customer/participant
- a customer/participant’s family or guardian
- a customer/participant’s financial manager
- an advocate
- an employee
- a community visitor
- a professional
- a member of the public.
Complaints help us:
- identify problems
- improve services
- provide better outcomes to participants.
Complaints can be made about any part of the quality or delivery of our services such as if there is dissatisfaction:
- with the way services are provided
- with decisions we have made
- about the conduct of our employees
- about personal information not kept private.
Complaints can be made anonymously. Complaints can be made to us or directly to the NDIS Commissioner.
Complaint monitoring
- all complaints will be monitored using a complaint register
- the complaint register will include up-to-date progress of each complaint and whether it is currently open or closed (resolved)
- if there is any doubt about the end resolution of a complaint, we will seek feedback from the person who made the complaint
- regular reports from the complaint register will be provided to key management personnel for review.
Complaint records and review
Accurate information of complaints received including decisions made, actions taken and eventual outcomes will be recorded and kept for 7 years from the date of the complaint which allows us to:
- enable reviews of any complaints received
- assist in identifying any systemic issues raised
- allow a response to the Commissioner, if required
- be stored securely and accessible only by the people handling complaints.
Complaint referrals
Complaints to the Commissioner may be referred to other agencies or bodies if needed including:
- non-compliance with the NDIS code of conduct
- inappropriate or unauthorised use of restrictive practice
- employee screening issues e.g. if an employee of the provider was found to have a criminal history
- incidents relevant to other bodies (police, consumer affairs agencies or other regulatory bodies).
Our complaints system
Our complaints system is documented below.
We work to ensure customers/participants:
- are aware of their right to make a complaint
- feel empowered to make a complaint
- are supported to make a complaint
- are involved in the resolution process after making a complaint
- know they won’t be adversely affected as a result of making a complaint.
To provide feedback about any aspect of our services, or to make a complaint:
- Attend our office in person at 11B MAB Eastern Promenade, Tonsley, SA
- Call us on 08 7120 6002
- Email the CEO, Bas Tijdhof:
- Send letter attention to Bas Tijdhof, 11B MAB Eastern Promenade, Tonsley, SA, 5042
To help us investigate your complaint quickly and efficiently we will ask you for the following information:
- Your name and contact details,
- The name of the person you have been dealing with from Link Assistive,
- The nature of the complaint,
- Details of any steps you have already taken to resolve the compliant,
- Details of conversations you may have had with us that may be relevant to your complaint,
- Copies of any documentation which supports your complaint.
The person receiving or managing your complaint should provide you with any assistance you may need to make your complaint. However, if you consider you need further assistance please contact the CEO, Bas Tijdhof, via or 08 7120 6002.
To make a complaint to the NDIS Commission:
How to make a complaint about a provider to the NDIS Commission
Related NDIS Documents:
National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013